Organised National Conference on ‘Changing Roles of Gender in Agriculture’ during 24-26 April 2023
National Conference On “Changing Roles of Gender in Agriculture” was jointly organized in Online Mode by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), School of Agricultural Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur and ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Bhubaneswar during 24-26 April, 2023. This Conference intends to connect think tanks, scientists and policymakers in one floor to look into the issues of gender in agriculture, so that agriculture as a profession becomes gender equal. Dr. R. L. Raina, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Jaipur National University, Jaipur during his address emphasized on the role and importance of gender in agriculture. The importance of women in agriculture and has traced the historical relation of the women in agriculture to the present status, thus setting tone to the Conference. Dr. H. N. Verma, Hon’ble Pro-Chancellor emphasised the importance of women farmers in Indian agriculture with statistical facts. He has also emphasized on the education of the rural women and their skill upgradation, which will ultimately lead to agricultural development of the country. The key note address was delivered by Dr. Mridula Devi, Director, ICAR-CIWA, Bhubaneswar. Dr. Mridula has shown the picture of position of women in agriculture particularly the areas where women are engaged, the problems they are facing in agriculture. | |
She has also shown the possible areas where improvements can be made to reduce drudgery of women in agriculture and also how the efficiency and effectiveness of farmwomen can be increased in agriculture and allied sector. | |