Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) meeting
The 3rd Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) meeting of the Directorate of Research on Women in Agriculture, Bhubaneswar (ICAR) was held on 13-15 February, 2013. The QRT was headed by Dr. P Das, Ex-DDG with following members; Dr. Mehtab S Bamji, NIN, Hyderabad, Dr. Vandan Dwivedi, Plan. Commission, Dr. Vinita Sharma, DST, New Delhi, Dr. Ratna Tiwary, SNDT, Mumbai and Dr. V P Chahal, ICAR, New Delhi as a member Secretary. Dr Krishna Srinath, Director, explained briefly the research achievements and other developments of the institute including budget utilization, staff position, capacity building programmes and infrastructure and also proposed the research areas for the XII Plan. |
Dr. P Das, Chairperson, in his opening remarks mentioned that DRWA is emerging as a world leader in the subject of research on women in agriculture. He emphasized that farm women directly influence the country's development and therefore, their roles and responsibilities should be identified in farm as well as at home to find out their problems which can be solved through suitable research programmes.The experts emphasized to strengthen gender data base, participatory action research, outreach programme and core competencies among scientists as well as development of good Case Studies and assessment of gender- based vulnerability. They also emphasized the importance of health, nutrition, immunization, food and environment for women. The expert visited the research farm, laboratories, data centre and exhibition hall. The first meeting of QRT was held at UAS Bangalore to review the AICRP activities and the experts emphasized upon the needbased technology generation in AICRP. Dr. V P Chahal and Dr. Kundan Kishore coordinated both the QRT meetings. |