Training cum Demonstration Programme on “Strengthening Livelihood of Women farmers through Small Scale Livestock & Poultry Production" and Distribution of Inputs to Women SC Farmers
ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Bhubaneswar organized a Training cum Demonstration Programme on “Strengthening Livelihood of Women farmers through Small Scale Livestock & Poultry Production” on 29 December 2023 at Handiapada village of Nimapara block, Puri district of Odisha under SCSP programme. The importance of Livestock and poultry farming for strengthening the livelihood of women farmers was discussed during the training. The farm women were advised to follow scientific management practices for higher income through livestock production. The importance of green fodder in dairy production was also discussed and all the farm women were advised to grow green fodder for not only higher milk production but also reduction in cost of production. Formulating low cost feed using locally available feed ingredients was discussed in the meeting. The diseases of economic importance of cow and preventive measures through timely vaccination and deworming was also discussed. While going for small scale poultry production, selection of appropriate chicken varieties, proper housing, supplementary feeding, timely vaccination and day to day care, which are highly crucial for making it a successful enterprise was also discussed. The method of growing Azolla in the backyard was deliberated and farm women were suggested to feed freshly harvested azolla. Various equipments and their uses were demonstrated to the farm women during the training. About 40 farm women participated in the programme. At the end of the programme milk cans, steel buckets, metal bins, improved sickles and battery sprayers were distributed to the SC farm women beneficiaries under the SCSP Programme. The programme was coordinated by Dr. A. K. Panda, Head (GF&CS) and assisted by Mr. B. C. Behera, Technical Officer of the institute.