ICAR-CIWA established Custom Hiring Centre (CHC) for Multi Commodity Processing and Value addition for SC Women in Kujang Block
In an another endeavour at Kujang Block of Jagatsinghpur District for techno-socio-economic upliftment of Scheduled Class (SC) women, ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture (CIWA) opened up a Custom Hiring Centre (CHC) at Chakradharpur village of Paradeep Garh Panchayat. The CHC was formally inaugurated by Dr. Mridula Devi, Director, ICAR-CIWA, Bhubaneswar on 1st September, 2023 under the Schedule Class Sub Plan (SCSP) component of the Institute. A Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed with both Maa Mangala SHG and Sri Lokanath SHG and handed over to them. In the inaugural speech, Dr. Mridula Devi stated that mechanization of agriculture, especially in food processing and value addition aspects has some constraints and limitations like high initial cost which often prohibits individual ownership especially amongst small and marginal farm holders associated with different SHGs. CHC is an important mechanism through which most small holders can access services of agricultural machinery. This will enhance confidence and it will offer processing equipments and tools on rental basis to farmers who cannot afford to purchase these due to fund constraints. In addition to it, lack of knowledge in the aspects of operation, maintenance and repair of equipment often restricts the use of farm machinery and lack of space for shelter also constraints for its use. The centre will be very much beneficial for both SHGs that would enable them to use processing equipments like rice mill, dal mill, pulveriser and wet grinder easily for better revenue generation compared to traditional methods. The centre will empower them through development of value added products so that the product can go to better markets and hence double the farmers’ income. This will certainly have significant improvement in their livelihood and finally upgraded themselves to entrepreneurs. Dr. Sachidananda Swain, Sr. Scientist and Convener gave a brief remark on the importance of CHC and the role it plays for post harvest processing and value addition of locally available agricultural produce specially cereals and pulses for better remuneration than selling the raw produce. Officials from Mission Shakti, PRI members, CRP members were also witnessed the programme and assured their extended support in terms of marketability of the products for higher return. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Jyoti Nayak, Principal Scientist (FRM) and facilitated by Er. Pragati Kishor Rout, Sr. Technical Assistant