Awareness Programme and Farmers-Scientists Interaction on Women Friendly Integrated Vertical Nutri-farming System (IVNFS)
An Awareness Programme and Farmers-Scientists Interaction was organized at Alando village, Biridi block, Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha on 10th July, 2023 under the project “Design and Development of Gender Sensitive Integrated Vertical Nutri-farming System (IVNFS) for Household Nutrition and Income”. Dr. Tania Seth, Scientist and PI of the project welcomed all participants and discussed the objectives of the project and importance of vertical farming in the present context. She sensitized the farmwomen about the advantages of women friendly integrated vertical farming system for ensuring dietary diversity and regular availability of nutrient rich vegetables, mushrooms, eggs and meat from the homestead backyard area. In the awareness programme the replica of the IVNFS model was demonstrated to the farmwomen for easy understanding of the plan of action of the project. Dr. Arun Kumar Panda, Principal Scientist, discussed about the importance of integration of poultry farming in the IVNFS for ensuring household nutrition and income of farm families. Mrs. Tapaswini Sahoo, Senior Technical Assistant, emphasized the importance of nutri-garden for nutritional security of farm families. The concerns and queries of the farmers regarding the project implementation were also addressed in the programme. About 40 farmwomen participated in the awareness programme. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Tania Seth, Scientist & PI of the project, Dr. A. K. Panda, Principal Scientist & Co-PI of the project and Mrs. Tapaswini Sahoo, Senior Technical Assistant.