Exposure visit of B. Sc. (Agriculture) students of Nagaland University at ICAR-CIWA on 10th February, 2023
Exposure visit of B. Sc. (Agriculture) 4th year students of School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development (SASRD), Nagaland University was organized at ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha on 10th February, 2023. A total of 58 students along with three faculty members participated in the exposure visit. Dr Tania Seth, Scientist welcomed the participants and highlighted the mandate, vision and ongoing research activities of the institute along with role of ICAR-CIWA in gender mainstreaming. The students visited the research farms and laboratories of the institute. They visited the vermicompost production unit and medicinal plant garden. The students also visited the fruit orchards, mango based cropping system, mixed cropping system, multi storey cropping system and intercropping systems established at the farm. They got an exposure to the livestock, poultry & fishery units, SAS model, fodder unit, RKVY workshop, drudgery reducing tools repository and other infrastructures. Dr Tania Seth, Scientist and Shri. Manoranjan Prusty, Technical Officer coordinated the programme.