- D.Krishna Priya, V.Vijaya Lakshmi. 2015. - A review on work related musculoskeletal disorders of the workers working in different workstations. International journal of Science and research. 4(3): 2319-7064
- Venkata Sushma, V.Vijaya Lakshmi. 2016. Genderwise analysis of access to and control over assets in the rural households of Andhra Pradesh (Dry areas). International Journal of Information Research and Review. 3: 2996-2999
- V.Vijaya Lakshmi, M.Milcah Paul. 2017. Consumption Pattern And Financial Management Among College Students. International Journal of Business and General Management. 6: 63-70
- V.Vijaya Lakshmi, J.Deepika, S.Logeswari. 2017. Evaluation of Thoracic Kyphosis And Lumbar Lordosis Among VDT Workers and Kitchen Workers. International Journal of Educational Science and Research. 5: 101-108
- V.Vijaya Lakshmi , Geeta Munje. 2017. Problems Faced By University Students while Purchasing Consumer Durable Goods. International Journal of Business and General Management. 7: 9-16
- V.Vijaya Lakshmi. 2017. Briquetting an Alternate Method for Recycling Agro Waste. International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering. 5: 9-16