Significant Contribution:
- Developed Multistakeholders’ Rice Value Chain for promoting gender equity, entrepreneurship & empowerment
- Establishment of Women Farmer Producer Organization (WFPOs) “Ananya Farmer Producer Company Limited” for Entrepreneurship Development and Self-reliance (Atmanirbhar)
- Gender Empowerment Index
- Women Entrepreneurship Development through Self Help Groups
- Appropriateness of rice varieties developed, operationalized and quantified
- Developed concept on Participatory Index for KVK training programme
- Development of Model village and through participatory research and appropriate Institutional mechanism
- Developed Gender Sensitive Entrepreneurship Model through Institute-Industry-Stakeholders Linkage in Convergence Mode
- Gender Sensitive Agri-Nutri (G-SAN) Farming System Model for Leveraging Agriculture and Nutrition
- Gender Sensitive Entrepreneurship Model through Institute-Industry-Stakeholders Linkage in Convergence Mode
- Gender Sensitive Agri-Horti Cropping System Model for addressing Livelihood, Nutrition and Entrepreneurship
Worked for 40 Institute Research Projects as Principal Investigator and Co- Principal Investigator. Regarding externally aided projects she has worked for 11 projects as Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator viz., Farmer FIRST Project (PI), Extramural Project (PI), NASF Project (PI).
Product Development
Crop-based: Three rice varieties as associated scientist under the Principal Breeder viz., CR Dhan 309, CR Dhan 209 (Priya) and CR Dhan 102 (Santha Bhima)
Organized more than 100 State/National level sponsored Capacity Building Programmes as Course Director in the area of Rice Production Technology, Rice-fish Farming System, System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Integrated Farming System, Gender issues in Agriculture
140 publications which include Books, paper published in Referred Journals, Research Bulletins, Training Manuals, Conference Proceeding Papers, Popular Articles, Bulletins, Booklets. |