- B. Sahoo and T.K. Walli. 2008. Effects of formaldehyde treated mustard cake and molasses supplementation on nutrient utilization, microbial protein supply and feed efficiency in growing kids . Animal Feed Science & Technology. 142: 220-230
- B. Sahoo and T.K.Walli. 2008. Effect of feeding undegradable protein with energy on nutrient utilization, milk yield and milk composition of crossbred goats. Small Ruminant Research. 75: 36-42
- Amit Ranjan, B. Sahoo, V.K. Singh, S. Srivastava, S.P. Singh & A.K. Pattanaik. 2012. Effect of bypass fat supplementation on productive performance and blood biochemical profile in lactating Murrah (Bubalus bubalis) buffaloes. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 44: 1615-1621
- B. Sahoo, M.L. Saraswat, N. Haque and M.Y. Khan. 2002. Influence of chemical treatment of wheat straw on carbon-nitrogen and energy balance in sheep. Small Ruminant Research. 44: 201-206
- B. Sahoo, M.L. Saraswat, N. Haque and M.Y. Khan. 2000. Energy balance and methane production in sheep fed chemically treated wheat straw. Small Ruminant Research. 35: 13-19
- B. Sahoo, T.K.Walli and A.K. Sharma. 2006. Effect of formaldehyde treated rapeseed oil cake based diet supplemented with molasses on growth rate and histopathological changes in goats. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 19: 997-1003
- B. Sahoo, Vishwanath, C. Bhushan, J. Kwatra & A. Agarwal. 2009. Effect of urea molasses mineral block supplementation on milk production of cows (Bos indicus) in mid hills of Uttarakhand. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology. 9: 171-178
- B. Sahoo and T. K.Walli. 2007. Effect of feeding rumen undegradable protein and supplemental energy on growth performance and blood metabolites in growing kids. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology. 7: 53-61
- B. Sahoo, D.P. Tiwari, P. Kumar, B.C. Mondal, D.V. Singh & Y.P. Joshi. 2012. Effect of probiotic supplementation on growth performance and blood biochemicals in crossbred calves. Indian Journal of Animal Science. 82: 328-330