- S. Lakshmi Pooja, A. Sharada Devi. 2014. “Eco-Jewellery with Nettle Yarn”. IWND 2014, International Workshop on Natural Dyes from 5th -7th March 2014. I(I): 296-299
- V.Vijaya Lakshmi, S.Lakshmi Pooja. 2017. Effect of Colour In Professional Uniforms with reference to Air Lines. BEST:IJMITE Journal ISSN(P) 2348-0513; ISSN(E)2454-471X; Impact Factor )JCC)2.9987 ICV:58 . V(58): 105-110
- Dr. A. Sharada Devi, A. Poornima, S. L. Pooja. 2009. Emerging Trends in Production, Processing & Utilization of Natural Fibers. Book of Papers by. ISCI, IFS, ICAR& Texas Tech. University. II: 516-525
- S. Lakshmi Pooja, Dr. (Mrs.) A. Padma. 2003. Ari work - Elegant Fabric Enrichment. Home Fashion. II: 98-99
- S. Lakshmi Pooja, Dr. (Mrs.) A. Padma. 2002. Elegant Fabric Enrichment . Clothsline. XV: 58-61