- Jayshree Rodge. 2010. Evaluation of keeping quality of Spinach in Low cost Cooling Devices. Asian Journal of Home Sciece. 5(1): 136-138
- Jayshree Rodge, Sunita Borkar. 2010. A successful Woman Entrepreneur Making Food Products. Asian Journal of Home Science. 5(1): 201-203
- Jayshree Rodge, CM Bellurkar. 2010. Gender Role in Farm Activities. Advance Research Journal of Social Science. 1(2): 104-106
- Jayshreee Rodge, Sunita Borkar. 2011. Development of the scale to Entrepreneurial behaviour of Women Entrepreneur. Asian Journal of Home Science. 6(2): 214-215
- Jayshreee Rodge, Sunita Borkar. 2012. Problems faced by Women Entrepreneurs Regarding Start-up current operations and i Manufacturing. Advance Research Journal of Social Science. 3(1): 30-32
- Jayshree Rodge, Sarambekar Hemangini. 2013. An Analytical Aprroach on Postural deviation and Health Hazards of Homemakers while dishwashing. Asian Journal of Home Science. 8(2): 661-664
- Jayshree Rodge, Hemangini Sarambekar. 2014. Ergonomic evaluation of Kitchen Sink. Asian Journal of Home Science. 9(1): 219-222
- Jayshree Rodge, Deepika Sawant, Neha Parve. 2015. Physiological study on Mopping the floor with cloth and basket mop. Asian Journal of Home Science. 10(2): 323-336
- Jayshree Rodge, Shital Rathod. 2016. Study of Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Women Entrepreneurs. Multilogic in Science. 5(15): 213-216
- Jayshree Rodge, Deepika Sawant. 2016. Assessment of Physiological Cost of Selected Women while mopping Floor in Squatting and Standing Posture. Multilogic in Science. 6(17): 167-170