- Sunita Kale, Sangita Naik and Manisha Karhale. 2018. Technology transfer of eco holicolour preparation for income generation . Asian Journal of Home Science . 13(2): 642-645
- Sunita Kale, Sangita Naik and Manisha Karhale. 2017. Mango Kernel Starch – A Natural and Indigenous Sizing Agent For Cotton Fabric . International Journal of Science and Nature . 8(4): 888-891
- Sunita Kale, Sangita Naik and Manisha Karhale. 2019. False Black Pepper (Emblia Ribes) seed- Natural colourant for wool dyeing . Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 38 (04-05) : 2019; . 38(04-05): 1-8
- Sunita Kale, Sangita Naik and Manisha Karhale. 2019. Printing of silk fabric using Eco-friendly textile Auxiliaries . Ecology, Environment & Conservation. 25 (2): 142-145
- Sunita Kale, Sangita Naik and Manisha Karhale. 2017. Mango Kernel Starch – A Natural and Indigenous Sizing Agent For Cotton Fabric . International Journal of Science and Nature. 8(4): 888-891
- Sunita Kale, Sangita Naik and Manisha Karhale. 2017. Mango Kernel Starch – An Effective Sizing Agent For Cotton Yarns . Multilogic in Science . VII(XXIV): 261-262
- Sunita Kale, Sangita Naik and Manisha Karhale. 2017. Health hazards and clothing pattern of the grain market workers . Multilogic in Science . VI(XIX): 69-72
- Sunita Kale, Sangita Naik and Manisha Karhale. 2016. Occupational health problems perceived by the workers of cotton spinning mills. Man Made Textiles In India. August . XLIV (10): 347-350
- Sunita Kale, Sangita Naik . 2015. Knowledge gain of SHG members about block printing with natural dyes . International Journa lo Applied Home Science,Vol. Sept.& Oct. 2015. 2(9&10): 268-271
- Sunita Kale, SangitaNaik, Rashmi Gaikwad. 2013. On field clothes and their care adopted by pesticide applicators. Asian Journal of Home Science . 8(2): 526-529