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- Gaytri Tiwari & Sangeeta Bhatt . 2018. Well being of middle aged couple : Herald for social upliftment. Advance Research Journal of Social Sciences. 9(2): 170-173
- Gaytri Tiwari, Ruchi Galundia & Sneha Jain. 2018. Reproductive health knowledge of married women in rural community of Udaipur. Advance Research Journal of Social Sciences. 9(2): 205-207
- Tiwari, G. and Galundia. 2017. Policy Article on Causes of academic backwardness of rural school children in selected states of India: An evaluation. Advances in Research. 12(5): 1-11
- Tiwari, G. and Galundia, R. 2017. Situational analysis of rural family environment. Indian journal of health and well-being. 8(6): 498-500
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