- Fellow Mobilization Award was received at IIT, New Delhi at National Seminar on Micro-Enterprises Promotion in Rural India Experience, Prospects and Strategies organized by IIT,
Mobilization and ISAP, New Delhi.
Recipient of Bharat Jyoti Award by India International Friendship Society, for meritorious services, outstanding performance and remarkable role by Dr. Raghuvir Singh Kadian Hon’ble speaker of Haryana Assembly.
Recipient of Vikas Rattan Award and Certificate of Excellence from International Institute of Success Awareness.
Citation for Best Citizen Award from the Council of Best Citizen.
Awarded IInd Prize in poster presentation organized by G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar on “Remedies to Reduce Drudgery of Rural Women of Uttaranchal in Fetching of Firewood”. AICRP Home Science, ICAR.
Received Second Best Paper Award for Training and Development of Entrepreneurial Characteristics at National Seminar on Micro-Enterprises Promotion in Rural India Experience, Prospects and strategies organized by IIT, Mobilization and ISAP at IIT Delhi from Nov. 18-19, 2004.
Received Appreciation Award for poster presentation on Motivation Types and Sources for Self-Employed Rural Women at IIT New Delhi. Nov. 18-19, 2004.
Received Second Best Paper Award for Training and Development of Entrepreneurial Characteristics at National Seminar on Micro-Enterprises Promotion in Rural India Experience, Prospects and strategies organized by IIT, Mobilization and ISAP at IIT Delhi from Nov. 18-19, 2004. Ph.D. work.
Received Appreciation Award for poster presentation on Motivation Types and Sources for Self-Employed Rural Women at IIT New Delhi. Nov. 18-19, 2004.
Chaudhary Charan Singh , Best AICRP Award Oct 2004. by ICAR, New Delhi.
Recipient of Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award from Hon’ble Lt. Gen. (retd.) T. P. S. Rawat, Minister for Tourism, Excise and Sanik Kalyan on 31 August 2006.
Recipient of Appreciation Award at the National Seminar on Serving Farmer and Saving Farming held at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar w.e.f. 10 to 12th January 2007.
Recipient of Community Mobilizer Award at the National Seminar on Serving Farmer and Saving Farming held at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar w.e.f. 10 to 12th January 2007.
Recipient of Community Mobilizer Award at the National Seminar on Serving Farmer and Saving Farming held at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar w.e.f. 10 to 12th January 2007.
Awarded IInd Position in the Annual Conference and International Symposium on “Food Safety, Quality Assurance and Global Trade: Concerns & Strategies” organized by Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and Michigan State University, East Lansing USA during November 7-9, 2008 on “Microbiological Assessment of Potable Water of Sample Villages of Uttarakhand”. AICRP Home Science, ICAR.
Recipient of Appreciation Award at the National Seminar on Nutritional strategies for improving quality of life, september11-12 2009 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar.
Singh Divya and Vinay Deepa, Young Scientist Award for the presentation of the paper in Norms for the socio Economic Status scale of Hill Women in Uttarakhand Region in 6th Uttarakhand State Science & Technology Congress held from 14 – 16 November, 2011.
Best Paper Award on Drudgery reducing through revolving stool, International Conference on Extension Education in the prospective of Advantages in Natural Resource Management in Agriculture (NARMA.IV) Swami Keshawanand Rajasthan Agriculture University Bikaner. Dec, 19-21, 2012,– Funding Agency ICAR.
Vinay Deepa, Kwatra Seema, Sharma Suneeta & Kaur Nirmal, Best Paper Award, for the presentation of the paper in Fetching Water-A Strenuous Obligation of Hill Women of Uttarakhand, 46th Annual Convention of ISAE and International Symposium on Grain Storage, organized by ISAE and GBPUAT, Pantnagar from February from 27-29, 2012,- AICRP Home Science, ICAR.
Pandey Kumkum and Vinay Deepa, Young Scientist Award for the presentation of the paper in Occupational Ergonomics Hazards in manual material handling task: a study from grain mandi of Bazpur block, district U. S. Nagar, Uttarakhand in 7th Uttarakhand State Science & Technology Congress held from 21 – 23 November, 2012.
Shobha,Vinay Deepa and Singh Divya, Best Paper Award for the presentation of the paper in “Ergonomic Health Hazards of Customer Service Representatives by Using Hand Tool and Task Analysis checklist” International Conference on Ergonomics and Human Factors, "ERGO 2012: SAFETY FOR ALL” held from December 6-8, 2012. Student Thesis work of Ph.D.
. Received of Best faculty Award from Education Expo, Research Wing for excellence in professional education & industry, Technology AchievementAward-14 at Delhi on 8th Nov. 2014
. Awarded to Dr. S. Radha Krishanan University Best Teacher Award 2015 at University Foundation Day Week 2015. November 16-21, 2015. Patnagar.
. Awarded for Poster Presentation on Drudgery Reducing Technologies for Farm Women- Identification Application and Research Gaps, in the National conference on Hill Agriculture in Perspective on Drudgery Reducing Technologies for Farm Women-Identification Application and Research Gaps at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar during February 26-28 2016.
.Conferred with the Honorary degree of Doctor of Letters (D. Litt.) from university of South America on 16th December 2016 at Montevideo.
. Vinay Deepa, Kwatra Seema, Sharma Suneeta & Pandey Kumkum, Awarded First prize for paper presentation in 30th National Convention of Agricultural Engineers & National Seminar on “Technological Innovations for enhancing Profitability of Small and Marginal Farms” February 27-28, 2017 on “Workstation Designing for Reduction of occupational Health Hazards of Workers Engaged in Weaving enterprise”.
. Best paper certificate to Diksha Gasutam and Deepa Vinay on Development and Standardization of a scale to measure Smartphone addiction among college Students by International Journal of Educational Science and Research (2018).
. Dr. Deepa Vinay, Professor and Head conferred upon the award of “Lifetime Achievement in Management” for the contribution and achievement in the field of home management by Venus International Foundation on 3th March, 2018.
. Diksha Gautam and Deepa Vinay (2019). Young Scientist Award on “Assessment of Psychological problems prevalent among young adults due to smart phone over use13th Uttarakhand state Science and Technology Congress held at Dehradun from 26th to 28th February, 2019.
. Dr. Upasana and Dr. Deepa Vinay (2019). awarded with Innovator of the Year Award in 13th Uttarakhand state Science and Technology Congress held at Dehradun from 26th to 28th February, 2019.
. Ms. Sonia Tewari and Dr. Deepa Vinay awarded with Best Paper Award for Research paper entitled “Development of Standardized total for assessing the workplace wellbeing of the workers in informal sector” in National Conference on Emerging Issues in Research and Development organized by Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur on February 03, 2019.