- Babel S, Mehta M, Sachihar L &Rajvanshi R . 2017. Acceptability and market potential of eco friendly printed products by weed gum . Man made textiles in India . .XLV(No.8 ): 272-274
- Prof.Sudha Babel & Ms Mamta Mehta . 2017. Impact of Educational Package on Productive Handling of Post-Consumer Textile Waste among Women . Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities . 4(10): 209-217
- Prof.Sudha Babel & Ms Mamta Mehta . 2017. Rejuvenation pattern of post-consumer textile waste by women consumers . Textiles Trends . 11(12): 36-39
- Sudha Babel, Rupali Gupta and LatikaSachihar. 2017. Phyto Chemical Analysis of Plant Resources having Antimicrobial Properties Obtained from Aravali Hills of Rajasthan, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. . 7(3): 1121-1125
- Sudha Babel, Rupali Gupta and LatikaSachihar. 2017. Suitability assessment of protective clothing for ginning process workers. Asian J. Home Sci. 12(2): 637-641
- Sarika Mishra &Sudha Babel. 2017. Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of flax fibers impregnated with Neem extract. International Journal of Current Advanced Research . 5(9): 1278-1280
- Dr. Sudha Babel and Surbhi Sharma. 2016. Impact of skill development training among rural women for entrepreneurship development. International Journal of Home Science . 2(3): 3-6
- Sarika Mishra &Sudha Babel. 2016. Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of flax fibers impregnated with aloegel extract. International Journal of Current Advanced Research . 5(9): 1278-1280
- Tiwari M & Babel Sudha. 2016. Impact of work zone environment on knitting industry workers. Res. Environ. Life Sci. 9(11): 1347-1349
- Dr. Sudha babel & Dr. ManishaChoudhary. 2016. Impact of information empowerment on museum functionariesregarding textile conservation. International Journal of Science and Research . 5(10): 204-207