Cooperative Awareness Programme by ICAR-CIWA in Collaboration with National Cooperative Union of India Cooperative Education, Puri.
The ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture (ICAR-CIWA) organized an awareness programme in Collaboration with National Cooperative Union of India Cooperative Education; Puri at Kadua village on 22.3.2023. 200 farmwomen from different SHGs participated in the programme. Smt Subhashree Swain project Officer welcomed the dignitaries and participants. The Chief Guest, Sri Sunil kumar Panda, Chairman, Satyabadi Block emphasized the importance of Cooperative Societies in the economic development of India and cited the contribution of ICAR-CIWA in the socio economic up-liftment of farmwomen of Kadua Panchayat by providing skill training and inputs. The Chief Speaker Sri Brahmananda Parida, Secy,OSCU, Bhubaneswar, pointed out the cooperatives societies engaged, particularly, in the rural based sector such as agriculture, fishery, agro processing, dairy are providing credit, agricultural inputs and marketing for milk, fish, vegetable, fruits, forest products etc .Dr Jyoti Nayak, Principal Scientist emphasized that SHGs to keep a strong linkage with the cooperative society for marketing of their products and cited that we are celebrating 2023 as International year of Millets to include millets in their diet. Mrs. Geeta Saha, technical officer, discussed about the various activities of ICAR-CIWA.The programme was ended with the vote of thanks by Sri A.R Pattnaik, CEI.